FCC 管太宽,禁止路由器安装第三方固件

粗大事儿了,FCC(联邦通信委员会)出台新条例,将禁止路由器安装诸如 DD-WRT 等第三方固件,主要还是防止第三方固件可以随便更改通讯信道。虽然 FCC 是美国政府机构,但根据上次的经验,FCC 的要求会在全球推广。诸位随便买世界大厂路由器随便刷的好日子,怕是要到头了。

Third Party Access Control

1. Explain if any third parties have the capability to operate a US sold device on any other regulatory domain, frequencies, or in any manner that is in violation of the certification.

2. What prevents third parties from loading non-US versions of the software/firmware on the device? Describe in detail how the device is protected from “flashing” and the installation of third-party firmware such as DD-WRT.

3.For Certified Transmitter modular devices, describe how the module grantee ensures that hosts manufactures fully comply with these software security requirements for U-NII devices.If the module is controlled through driver software loaded in the host, describe how the drivers are controlled and managed such that the modular transmitter parametersare not modified outside the grant of authorization.


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